Premier Private Equity Limited (PPE) is a private equity investment holding company incorporated in Barbados that focuses on providing smart capital to SMEs across the Caribbean and Latin America utilizing an active management approach.
Partner with entrepreneurs who have demonstrated proven management, leadership ability, and integrity. Targets must have a defensible competitive advantage. Hands-on disciplined active management approach with a focus on capital appreciation.
Each portfolio company will be provided with a comprehensive financial strategy identifying long-term goals and objectives including viable exit strategies.
A partnership will be established with each portfolio company through buy-in and shared vision.
Each portfolio company will be assigned a dedicated team of at least 2 persons from PPE and will also be provided with access to services that would include but not limited to Accounting, Legal and Auditing Services
Introduction to new C-level executives for board/management positions, lenders, consultants, investment bankers and potential customers.
Premier Private Equity Limited (PPE) is a private equity investment holding company incorporated in Barbados that will focus on providing smart capital and business advisory to SMEs and Financial Service Entities across Latin America and the Caribbean utilizing an active management approach.